October 14, 2010

i am in hospital

I am in hospital being induced today. My cervix is looking more favourable and I am a fingertip dilated. Izzy is still doing great and her heart is strong. If induction works then great if not then they'll do an emergency c-section. I was a bundle of nerves all morning and cried as I expected to be sent home and wait for a c-section but I am now feeling calm and relax and focusing on Izzy. D is keeping me company and we are in a nursery room with a bed waiting for our bed to become available! I cannot believe the day is finally here and that we are going to be holding our precious baby girl today or tomorrow. Life is about to change in a very special way!! How incredible!! I'll update you later if I can! Thanks girls for all your support!


  1. Ooooo.... I hope that everything goes smooth and you do not need a c-section!! Sending lots of easy labor vibes to you!! I will be thinking of you all day and I can not wait to see your update.

  2. good luck!!! thinking of you and wishing you an easy, speedy delivery. can't wait to see pics of the little one :o) xoxo!

  3. Oh wow! It's time!!! So happy for you - good luck today. Hope it goes very well!!!!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS! It won't be long now! I can't believe today's finally here for you guys. I'll be praying for you today. Hopefully you won't need a c-section, but if you do, they're not too bad (I've had 2). The most important thing is that Izzy and you are safe and I know your doctors will make sure of that. I'm so excited for you all!

  5. Woohooo. Great news Laura. I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful girl! Tell DH to take lots of pictures!

  6. Yeah! Oh congrats lovely lady! Can't wait! Thanks for the update, I've been thinking about you.

  7. Sweetie I have everything crossed for a smooth delivery, can't wait to get your next update, sending you much love and strength!

  8. EEK!!! That is fantastic news! I cannot wait to hear updates and hopefully see pictures. I'm so excited for you. I hope everything goes smoothly!! Thinking of you!

  9. So exciting- praying for you that everything goes smoothly and that mom and new baby girl are safe and sound!

  10. Oh yea!! I am thinking of you. It is such a special day - the day you hold your miracle.

  11. I've been thinking of you - hope everything is going really well!!!
