August 16, 2010

my lovely bump

Have I told you how much I like my bump?? I still smile whenever I see my reflection in the mirror or random shop windows and in every picture you see me rubbing and holding my belly. I cannot help it!!! Every time I touch it I feel Izzy moving in there and giving me cute baby kicks letting me know that she is doing great. How can I not touch it?? I love it when D kisses it and now hides underneath it when I stand up! LOL We still have moments when we look at it and we think it's the most amazing thing we ever experienced and yet we know that when the belly is gone and Izzy will be here it'll be even more incredible!!

I think because I generally give this nasty "don't you dare f*&@* with me" vibe, many people don't just touch my bump but ask before they do. It has only happened once at the spa I go to, that I went in there and all the ladies surrounded me and started rubbing my belly. It only lasted a total of 30 seconds but I have to say I didn't mind it; it made me feel super special. I suppose if this happened every day it would piss me off but on that one off time it didn't really annoy me.

When I am out with friends they want to feel the baby kick or move so I tell them to be patient and just wait for Izzy to get moving. Their reactions are so funny especially the ones that never felt a baby move before. My friend M jumped and gave out a little scream when she felt Izzy move for the first time and ever since every time we meet she wants to feel my belly for movement! On one occasion we were out and Izzy had the hiccups and I told her where to feel her and she thought it was incredible, then again she did made this joke about whether we should try scare her to see if she would stop.. which makes me think that M will never get to babysit Izzy alone!LOL

Here is a picture of my bump last week; the incredible thing is how fast it seems to be growing now. I mean a couple of weeks back it was not as big as now and steadily it's expanding more and more... I wonder how much bigger it's going to get! My skin is holding on and so far I have no stretch marks on my bump but I wonder if this will change given the current growth spurt Izzy is going through.


  1. Love your bump!!!! you look amazing too!

  2. Wow that's awesome! Congrats on the bump! haha - I can't wait until I look pregnant and not just chunky.

  3. How cute is your bump - looking fabulous!

  4. Beautiful bump!! And beautiful Mommy!!

  5. And I must say, I love your bump too. Super cute.

  6. You are ADORABLE!
    Your smile says it all : )

  7. Your bump has sure grown!! Cute

  8. Look at you!! You look great!! I too have been wondering how big mine will get -- wondering how much more my skin can stretch! From pictures I have seen of friends, we still have a good amount of growing in front of us over the next several weeks!

  9. aww.....I am blushing now!!! :)))
