September 28, 2010

I am still here

Just a quick one.. I am still going strong and still doing well! Went for my 38 weeks check up and u/s and Izzy is doing great! She has hair and she has grown beautifully and now is 3.499kg which is about 7.7 pounds. Apparently she is going to be a very tall little girl as she is measuring way ahead of all the girls her age.. I knew her kicks were strong and her legs long but I didn't know that long! I cannot wait to meet her so bad!

My parents are here so every day I a busy with something or the other and enjoying having them here a lot! It's been so long and now I am catching up.. hence my lack of posts! I will try to update you on the progress but I don't have much time to keep up with all your blogs...I will try do this at least once a week!!


  1. Glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying catching up with your parents. Take care!

  2. I had a feeling that's why you were a little absent - with your parents here, and you not working, I'm sure all your routines are a little wacky.

    So happy to hear Izzy is doing so well! It's going to be so exciting to meet her - soon, real soon!

  3. Just checking in. So glad to hear things are going well. This is the hard part... the waiting. Enjoy your free time now and get lots of rest.
    Best of luck!!
    Julia (Leif's Mom)

  4. Glad things are going well. Can't wait to see your birth story and to see Izzy. Any day now!!

  5. I had been wondering if Izzy had arrived a little early! I am so glad to hear that you are doing well and enjoying the time with your parents!! I look forward to hearing your next update!!!

  6. She is such a cutie. Can't wait to see her out of the womb.
